Wednesday 11 July 2012

A Typical Graduate's dilemma

“However, we will keep your CV on file.”

Those eight fateful words that usually come at the end of another unsuccessful job application email, I have found, often result in a two-fingered tirade at the computer screen.

The fruitless pursuit of a graduate job is something that I expect many Uni leavers are experiencing at this time of year. It really is soul-destroying when your hopes of getting that latest “dream job” are crushed into tiny pieces with not so much as a phone-call to inform of your where you went wrong, or why you were not considered suitable enough.

Reading up on the subject of graduates recently, I came across an article that said people in their 20s rarely have disposable income (certainly not enough to save up), and that house-sharing is common among people of this age group. It also said that it is not until you reach your 30s that those “dream jobs” become attainable, but I like to think that the writer is being extremely negative (or at least I hope so).

Despite worrying tales from graduates about how hard it is to get jobs, and the endless warnings  that “there are no jobs out there”, I like to think that it is possible to achieve your goals. You may not get the high-paid flashy job that you desire, but any job in today’s market, certainly one that is in your field of interest, is worth taking.

For now, the pursuit goes on and I can only hope that my search bears fruition in the coming weeks. Hopefully, some employer will have stayed true to their word and manages to find my CV after trawling through their files.  

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